
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 12.01.2017 13:48:49

David Lois new Sales Manager Broadcast Products at Broadcast Solutions

Bingen, Germany (BROADCAST SOLUTIONS) / 12 January 2017 / As of January 2017 David Lois is appointed new Sales Manager Broadcast Products for German System Integrator Broadcast Solutions GmbH.

With David Lois joining the company Broadcast Solutions will increase the market share of the existing products within the products portfolio and - in an ongoing process – will add new products to the division.

By doing so, Broadcast Solutions will go on to establish the company as a full-service Broadcast solutions provider. In order to take care for the increasing demand for and number of products and to further foster the division David Lois takes care of all Sales. He reports directly to Product Sales Director Antti Laurila.

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